Friday, September 24, 2010

Research Topic

Hey folks,

This will be a quick little post about my research paper topic.  I just recently posted the topic on the class wiki, but in case it's easier for people to give feedback via my blog, I'm posting it here as well.

In general, my paper will be on Israeli-Iran Relations, but more specifically, the question I will attempt to answer goes as follows: "What effect have Israel's undeclared possession of nukes and Iran's presumed attempts to secure nukes had on the policies of their Arab neighbors/or on the stability of the region?". 

Obviously, I intend to inspect how Israel and Iran have reacted to one another's presumed successes with/attempts at nuclear proliferation, but the goal is also to look at how the other states in the region have responded to this threat to their security levels.  Anyways, I'll try and keep people posted as I do more research, but any feedback or advice will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks very much!

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